About the Author

Andre April 18.jpg

I became a Christian over 20 years ago in my last year of high school when I was living in London. Ever since, I’ve been fortunate enough to be involved with churches where I could get involved with community outreach, playing drums in worship, mentoring younger lads, running projects and being part of a community where I was shown lots of grace. 


I feel most alive when I’m studying, teaching, preaching or talking about God and the Bible. This led me to study theology and receive my undergraduate degree and MA from London School of Theology. After this I moved up to Manchester, and have worked and volunteered for many charities involved with evangelism, discipleship, and community transformation ever since.


I am ordained in the Church of England and currently based in a two churches in the North West. I also enjoy learning to play new board games, reading and writing (unsurprisingly), swimming and cycling. I can’t sing to save my life, I’m definitely not a morning person, and wish I was better at remembering names. 


Book a Talk

I love delivering talks and training on Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. I have over 15 years experience preaching in churches and festivals around the country, in a variety of setting, to Christians and people with no faith. 

I can deliver a wide range of talks, but the main types would include:

  • In a church service with a mix of story, testimony, and teaching

  • Evangelistic talks at special events

  • More academic teaching on the cross and resurrection for groups wanting to go deeper. 

Please email to discuss what you are looking for. If you could let me know a (vague) date, address, and type of event (e.g. church service, student meeting, outreach event, etc.) in your email, that would be helpful.